Friday, April 8, 2011

Turkey Hunting for the Kids

This weekend is the Youth Turkey Hunt.  It’s a great time to take a young hunter out and let them have a chance at a Tom.  The regular season opens next Wed. so this gives the kids a chance before the birds have been shot at.  And there are lots of birds out there.

The past week has seen many Toms standing in the fields all puffed up strutting for any hens that will watch them.  The weather is going to be beautiful this weekend so there should be lots of chances for a successful hunt.

Any hunter over age eighteen can accompany two youth hunters that are between ages ten and fifteen.  The kids must have a valid carcass tag for ANY season.  The tag must be for the zone they are hunting though.  If they don’t get a bird in the youth hunt, their permit is still good for the regular season.

If you’ve never taken a young hunter out…do so.  You get all the fun of the hunt and then get to see the excitement of a youngster when they see that first Tom.  It’ll be something you and your young hunter will never forget.

post by: Dan Bomkamp          Wisconsin Hunting Land

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