Friday, April 22, 2011

The First Turkey Season

To those who had the first hunting period for turkeys… sympathy.  Wow, I don’t think there could have been worse conditions.  I hunted in the same type of weather many years ago and it was not fun. 

Turkeys are hard enough to hunt when it’s nice out, let alone in the conditions we’ve had this past week.  The only way a hunter could have been remotely comfortable was if he had a pop-up blind.  Then with a little heater it would have been ok, except for the fact that the turkeys probably didn’t make a peep.

Turkeys do not like windy weather and we’ve had wind, snow, sleet, rain and cold all week.  If you could design the worst conditions for turkey hunting, it would be what the hunters had this week.  It makes it pretty hard to crawl out of a warm bed at 4am to go out into the woods.

But, not all is lost.  There are still left-over permits available for the 5th and 6th seasons.  You can buy them at license stations or online at .  They cost $10 and you can buy one per day until they are all gone.  The way the year started out, those late seasons may be some of the best we’ll see, so you still have a chance.

post by: Dan Bomkamp

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