Friday, May 6, 2011

Da Plane! Da Plane!

If you wake up one of these May mornings and see a plane flying low over the hills and woods don’t panic.  They’ll be folks from the DNR who are spraying for gypsy moths.  They spray very early, right after dawn and fly low so the spray is concentrated in specific areas.  The spray will not hurt people, pets or wild animals.

They use a compound called Foray which contains a bacteria that is present in soil but that will kill gypsy moth caterpillars that ingest it.  It’s a perfect compound since its natural and doesn’t affect anything but the gypsy moths. 

The DNR has been battling the spread of these little critters for many years.  They are just one of the never ending new pests that threaten our outdoors.  They’ll probably never be able to stop them but they can slow them down which helps.

So if you see a plane low over your woods, don’t worry, it’s the good guys.

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