Monday, June 28, 2010

Watch Where You Step

When you venture out into the woods or onto the waters you are stepping into another world from that which you spend most of your time. There are things that should be avoided that can spoil a fishing trip or a camping adventure. One of the things that many people encounter is Poison Ivy. This is one of the plants that can cause a nasty rash on most people. Not all people are allergic to it but most are and they find out the hard way that they should have been more careful.

The islands and shoreline of the Wisconsin River is a place to watch where you’re stepping when it comes to Poison Ivy. It grows abundantly there. If you’re canoeing or boating you needn’t worry but if you go up on shore or onto an island for firewood, watch out for it.

Poison Ivy is one of three plants that have a substance on their leaves called Urushoil that causes a condition called contact dermatitis. The rash can be just an itchy red welt or can be a large itching patch that scabs up and gets very irritated.

I’ve had Poison Ivy several times and tried everything under the sun to cure it. I’ve found that plain old Calamine lotion does the best job of anything I’ve tried. One way or the other the rash will take about a week to run its course. Calamine helps keep the itching at a minimum and dries up the rash.

It’s not pleasant but it’s not the end of the world either. Poison Ivy is one of those little inconveniences that Mother Nature has for us. It shouldn’t keep you from enjoying the great Wisconsin outdoors.

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Dan Bomkamp - author and host of "How's Fishing"

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