Monday, June 14, 2010

Hogs Went Fishing

This past week the DNR arrested a group of Milwaukee fishermen for being over their fish limit. This happens now and then but not to the extent that these hogs took it. The 13 fishermen, part of a church group, had 2,238 fish in their possession. Yes, I said over 2,000 fish.

They were all upset at being arrested thinking they’d been picked-on by the DNR which acted on tips called in by other fishermen who saw these hogs keeping so many fish. The other fishermen should be given praise for turning these guys in and helping get them arrested.

The fines for the hogs can be up to $71,280 and I hope the Court fines them to the maximum. Anyone who is that greedy deserves to pay the maximum and I think it’s too bad they can’t throw them in jail too.

People like this are stealing from all the law-abiding people who go out and do what they are suppose to do concerning game and fish laws. If you see someone violating, call the DNR and turn them in. They have no right to steal from you and me, and the rest of the people who enjoy fishing in our great state. It makes me sick to think of these guys ever fishing again, and I hope they don’t ever get the privilege.

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Dan Bomkamp - author and host of the radio show "How's Fishing"

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