Monday, May 3, 2010

The Morels are Poppin’

The peak of the morel hunting season usually happens around Mother’s Day but this year things are about two weeks early. Our early spring and plenty of rain has brought the morels popping up from the ground and they are being brought in by the bag full. The Morel Festival isn’t until two weeks from now and it may be a little too late for good supplies of morels to be available for the tourists.

Being a fungus, morels don’t keep forever. They have a shelf-life of about a week under prime conditions and after that they’re not very appetizing. Waiting to pick them also doesn’t work because the longer they sit in the woods the sooner they dry out.

It always makes me wonder just how many morels are sitting out in some woods that no one ever hunts. There must be thousands of them that dry out and go to waste. The Morel Festival is May 15th and 16th and even if the morels are scarce by then there is a lot of other fun and food to sample.

Dan Bomkamp - Author & Host of "How's Fishing"


Rudy McCormick said...

Where can I get some Morels? I love them but never know where to find them...

David said...

Good Post....Land for sale adelaide

Jay Frazier, Rural Property Pro said...

Rudy - There's always people parked at intersections around Muscoda this time of year. The standard cardboard sign with "Morels For Sale" is propped by the road side. That's the second best way to get them after hunting down your own in the woods.