Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Chickadees in the Wren House

I've had a little wren house by our patio for 3 seasons now.  The first season it sat sadly empty.  Last year, chickadees showed interest in it but were soon chased away by a pair of wrens.  The wrens were fun to watch and hear their LOUD song in the morning.  It was a bit too loud on Saturday mornings when we wanted to sleep in.  This year though, the chickadees have prevailed or maybe the wrens just found better accommodations elsewhere.

This is the familiar Black Capped Chickadee that is easily attracted to feeders and sings the cheerful Chick-a-dee-dee-dee song.  They are very friendly birds and this pair allowed me to sit quite close to photograph them.

They have seven (7!) eggs in their nest right now.  Even though they are little birds, I imagine that nest box is going to be over flowing by the time they're ready to fledge.

Jill Frazier - Marketing Manager at Mossy Oak Properties of Wisconsin, llc

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