Friday, September 24, 2010

Scents Make Sense

One of the most important things that a hunter can do to be successful hunting deer with a bow is to make himself invisible to the deer. That is accomplished by camo clothes and face makeup. But one other thing is necessary to being invisible and that’s being scentless.

A deer has an amazing sense of smell and can identify a tiny amount of scent molecules in the air. Deer hunters take special pains to keep their hunting clothes clean and free of the smells of smoke, detergent and the home. One way to help with that is to use Cover Scents. These mask the human smell with the smell of wet dirt, pines, oak trees and many others.

Food is a big part of every deer’s day and early archers use food scents to help lure in that big buck. There are scents that smell like corn, or acorns that are often used. Then as the season progresses, the Doe In Heat scents become very important to luring in a deer.

Scents are a big part of hunting and a helpful tool for almost all hunters. But then that’s part of the fun of hunting…..collecting toys that help you hunt.

This post was written by: Dan Bomkamp
Author of several outdoor adventure novels and host of "How's Fishing?"

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