Monday, March 8, 2010

Walley Fishing Has Started

The ice went out at Lynxville dam on the Mississippi on Friday, March 5th. By afternoon there were about 35 boats out fishing for spring walleyes. Action was good but most of the fish are small sauger and walleyes.

The males show up first and wait for the females to show up to spawn. This time of year the vast majority of fish at the dams are males. They provided a lot of action and if you’re patient, you can sort through them and take home some nice eating-size fish.

There are quite a few catfish being caught also. While not usually thought of as a jig eating fish, catfish are very aggressive in the spring and will grab a jig with great enthusiasm. Often you think you’ve got a keeper walleye and your “walleye” turns out to have whiskers.

The water is very cold yet, so work your jig slowly and make sure to wear your life vest. That vest does you no good lying in the bottom of the boat if you happen to fall out or tip over.

Dan Bomkamp - Author & Host of "How's Fishing"

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