Friday, September 10, 2010

Wisconsin Youth Duck Hunt

September 18th and 19th are the dates for the Wisconsin Youth Duck Hunt this year. This is a fairly new program where kids from the age of 12 to 15 can go duck hunting with an adult and get a crack at the ducks before the general season opens. The adult hunter can help with decoys, a blind, calling the ducks and helping to identify them but can’t shoot at any birds himself. That’s something that only the kids can do.

But this year it just so happens that the Exterior Zone for Canada geese opens on the same day as the Youth Hunt, so the adult hunters can shoot at any geese that happen past. Both the kids and adults need a goose tag and can get them at a DNR license station.

Duck hunting is a dying sport. In times past the marshes were full of shotgun toting hunters but the numbers have dwindled to just a few in the last decade. Duck hunting was and still is my favorite hunt. For many years I hunted every day of the season with one or more of my golden retrievers. It would be nice to see more young hunters get interested in this sport and carry the tradition on to the next generation.

So if you know some young hunters who’d like to try it, get them rigged up and head to the marsh next Saturday. I guarantee there will be lots to see and you’ll have a grand day in the great outdoors.

by: Dan Bomkamp
author & host of "How's Fishing?"

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