Friday, June 11, 2010

Turtle Crossings

Wisconsin turtles lay their eggs in June so if you’re driving along any areas near rivers or lakes, be on the lookout for them crossing the road. Turtles leave their homes near the water and go looking for that perfect spot to lay their eggs, sometimes quite a long way from the water. Often you will see them crossing a road half a mile or more from a stream or lake. So keep your eyes open and give them some room to cross.

There are over 260 species of turtles in the world and 55 in the United States. Wisconsin is home to 11 of these species that range from the common Painted Turtles that you see lining logs in the river to the seldom seen Ornate Box Turtle that lives in forests and seldom is found near water.

One of the most recognizable turtles is the Snapping Turtle which is trapped by some as food. These critters get quite large with an adult weighing about 30 pounds on average. They can get up to about 60 pounds and are not to be messed with. They have strong jaws that can do damage if you get careless with them. Best idea is to leave them alone.

So, if you see something in the road in the next couple of weeks and aren’t sure what it is, slow down and give it wide berth. It’ll probably be a mother turtle looking for that perfect spot to lay her eggs. Give her a chance to get across and on her way.

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Dan Bomkamp - Author and host of the radio show "How's Fishing"

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