Monday, March 15, 2010

Time For Walleyes

The ice is out and the boats are on the water. All of the dams on the Mississippi and Wisconsin rivers are open for fishing. Warm weather and good water conditions will make for some great days on the water. Small male walleyes and sauger are the main catch right now. They migrate to the dams early, waiting for the females to show up when the water gets a little warmer.

You might be able to get some better sized fish by fishing in shallower water. The females and larger more experienced males will be in shallow water looking for spawning sites. In my many years of walleye fishing I found that I caught the best fish in less than 12 feet of water.

You may catch less fish but overall they will be larger. Don’t forget to work your bait very slowly. That water is still cold and the fish won’t bother trying for a meal that goes past them too quickly. Slow down and go shallow and you’ll be in good shape.
Dan Bomkamp-Author & Host of How's Fishing
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